Friday, November 30, 2012

2012 Holiday Message to Our Clients and Our Community

The holidays are supposed to be a joyous, magical time of year.  Enveloped by traditions, they are a time of thanksgiving with friends and families and visits with dear ones near and far.  They are a time filled with love, gifts, songs, stories, and hope.  Holidays mean food, feasts and delectable delights.

Holidays are also full of stress and worry.  What if your family is facing tough financial times?  What if you can’t afford all the glitz and glitter our society tends to focus on during the holidays? What if you if you just need a little help to create a memorable, thoughtful and loving holiday?

Well—those are the reasons why the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry is here.  With the love, support, and volunteerism of our generous Wakefield community, we assist our neighbors in need –those of us who may require a little or a lot of help, especially during the strain of the holiday season.

If you’re struggling to make ends meet and need our help, please know that we treat our clients with dignity, compassion and privacy.  Wakefield residents may come to the pantry on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. to shop for groceries. The only requirement is that you are a Wakefield resident, so please bring proof of residency (which could be your driver’s license or utility bill) on your first visit.

For others who may be blessed with more bounty and resources, we ask that you consider donating food items to the pantry. We are open every Saturday in December from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Americal Civic Center to take deliveries, or you can leave food items in our basement drop off box whenever the Civic Center is open.  Please do not donate expired or out of date food products.

We also gratefully appreciate any financial donation you can make at any time. No amount is too small to make a difference and it’s tax deductible.  Please mail a check made payable to:

 Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry
 PO Box 1624
 Wakefield, MA 01880

In the spirit of this special season, all of us at WIFP – our Board members and leadership, our volunteers, donors and supporters, wish our Wakefield community a most wonderful holiday and a very happy, healthy New Year!

Maureen Miller, Director of Operations, Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hart's Hardware Raffles Grill to Benefit Food Pantry

Many thanks to Hart's Hardware!  For the second year in a row, they have raffled off beautiful grills to the lucky winners.  This year they raised $750 to benefit the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry. In this photo are:  Lenny and Doug Hart, owners of Hart's Hardware, Maureen Miller, WIFP Director of Operations, and WIFP volunteer Judy Gordon.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thank You to Wakefield Fire Dep't and Please Contribute to Eastern Bank Drive

The Eastern Bank of Wakefield is sponsoring a Food Drive for the Interfaith Food Pantry on Saturday, October 27thfrom 10AM-Noon at the Americal Civic Center (lower level) on Main St. 
Members of the community are encouraged to drop off non-perishable food items to the Eastern Bank during the week or at the Food Pantry on Saturday morning.  Checks made payable to The Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry will also be gratefully accepted.  For an updated list of most needed food items, please visit the website:

The WIFP would also like to thank the Wakefield Fire Department for hosting a drive on October 13th. The enthusiasm and generosity of community groups in Wakefield is always tremendously appreciated as we try to serve individuals and families in need!!


Monday, October 15, 2012

The Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry: Helping Our Neighbors in Need for 30 Years

Thirty years ago in 1982, a dedicated group of volunteers cleared out a small room in the basement of the First Baptist Church.  With help from the community, they stocked it with food and opened the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry (WIFP) with only one goal:  to eliminate hunger in our town.  Through the years, the pantry has provided much needed food items to those in need and doing it with care, dignity and respect.   While many things have changed in three decades --  especially the fact that the food pantry has a new location, is much larger, offers healthier food choices, and provides programs for our kids and seniors --  what has not changed is the need.
Please take a look at the Wakefield Item's October 11, 2012 issue which features our food pantry in the This Is Wakefield section.  All financial and food item donations are appreciated!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry Celebrates Volunteers, New and Retiring Board Members -- Check out recent photos

Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry Celebrates Volunteers, New and Retiring Board Members

The focus of the recent Board of Directors Meeting of the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry (WIFP) was celebrating the volunteers as well as current and retiring Board Members and welcoming two new Board members.

President of the Board, Wendy Dennis greeted attendees to the meeting and oversaw the swearing in ceremony for accepting the group of officers and members.  (A complete list of Board members can be found on the WIFP website,

New members, Richard Greif and Annie Duvall, were welcomed to the group and the slate of officers for a one-year term were elected:

·       Wendy Dennis, President

·       Susan Bernard, Vice President

·       Julie Theriault, Treasurer

·       Joanne Turco, Clerk

“The hardest part of about this particular meeting was to say good-bye to two of our retiring board members, Beth Hendriks and Judy Gordon,” said Dennis.  “For years they’ve share their energy, wisdom and enthusiasm in helping the WIFP serve our neighbors in need which is why we wanted to take the time to recognize their dedication and service.”

Maureen Miller, WIFP Operations Director, also presented the Harriet Winsor Volunteer of the Year Award to Debbie Jones, WIFP Shift Leader.  This special award is presented to a volunteer or volunteers who have demonstrated exceptional performance, personal commitment and dedication to the food pantry, and whose interactions with clients and volunteers are consistently professional and an inspiration to others.

“This achievement recognizes volunteers who consistently perform above and beyond the call of duty. Debbie has been an integral part of our operations since moving to the new location in 2010.  With her expertise and dedication we are able to provide a wide variety of nutritious food to those who come through our doors with dignity and respect,” said Miller.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry Offers Kid Friendly Food Options for Summer Kids First Program

The Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry offers a special program called Kids First which provides food to families with school age children during the summer months.

“Many families receive free or reduced price breakfast and lunch during the school year, but this help is not available during the summer,” explains Maureen Miller, Operations Director at the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry. “The Kids First Program provides some “kid friendly” food items to help replace those meals.”

Interested families should go the food pantry during open hours (Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, and Thursday between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm) to register and choose their food.  Families are able to shop twice per month. 

The pantry has partnered with Shaws in Wakefield which has generously agreed to provide food items to the pantry at a low cost and delivers the food as well.  In addition to the regular stock, families will find juice boxes, fruit cups, pudding cups, breakfast bars, pancake mix, cookies and crackers, bread, Nutella spread, freeze pops and fresh fruit.

For more information about the Summer Kids First Program, please call the food pantry at 781.245.2510 or email:

Monday, July 16, 2012

Food Pantry Volunteers Make Sure Clients Enjoy the 4th of July in Power Out Crisis

Thirty-two needy families would have been without food for their Fourth of July celebration had it not been for the extra effort of the Wakefield Municipal Gas & Light Department and the dedicated volunteers at the food pantry (as reported in the Wakefield Daily Item by Gail Lowe, 7/10/2012). Volunteers worked in the pitch black to help clients shop for provisions and to do registrations to make ...sure that each shopper was a Wakefield resident. While the WMGLD planned the outage, the staff at the WIFP didn't know about it due to a communication error. "All Americans - no matter what economic level -- deserve to have a good time on our nation's birthday," said Maureen Miller, Director of WIFP Operations. And so thanks to support from the WMGLD and super volunteers, they did!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thank You for Special Election Collection Food Drive

All of us here at the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry – staff, board members, and volunteers – would like to extend our deepest thanks to the generous citizens of Wakefield.  Voters who came out on June 9th to cast their ballots related to the funding of a new Galvin Middle School also brought in donations of much need food items to help stock our pantry shelves.  Because of your kindness, we collected about 100 bags of food from this Special Election Collection food drive.  Thank you again and best wishes for a fun-filled, safe summer.

Maureen Miller, Director of Operations

Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wakefield Youth Lacrosse Hosts Food Drive, June 2nd & 3rd

Wakefield Youth Lacrosse is sponsoring food drive to benefit the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry this weekend on June 2nd and 3rd at the fields at Galvin Middle School during the games. 

Look for collection bins near the grilles or field entrances. Everyone who donates an item will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win 4 Boston Cannon's Tickets!!

The most needed food items are:  canned tuna (solid white) /canned chicken,canned fruit, rice/pasta meals, baking items such as cake/frosting and cookie mixes.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Special Election Day Food Collection: June 9, 2012

When you go to the Wakefield High School Field House to vote in the Special Election on June 9th to approve a Debt Exclusion to build a new Galvin Middle School, please bring a food donation to help stock the shelves of the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry. 

The recent Letter Carriers Food Drive did not bring in as much food as in previous years and the pantry is consistently busy during the summer months. Bins will be available throughout the Field House for the convenience of the givers. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated!

In addition, the food pantry is in need of volunteers on that day to empty the bins and bring the food back to the food pantry at the Civic Center location.  For information about volunteering, please call 781-245-2510 (choose option 5 to volunteer your time).

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thanks To All Who Participated in the Letter Carriers Food Drive

A Big Thank You to All Who Gave or Helped!  2012 Letter Carriers' Food Drive

Eighty or more volunteers were on hand at the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry on Saturday May 12th to help unload, sort, and store the food from the annual Letter Carriers’ Food Drive. 

While there was an unfortunate glitch this year that resulted in the residents of Wakefield and some surrounding communities not getting a reminder postcard about the drive, the pantry did receive about one and a quarter tons of food from those who saw the information in our local newspapers, on the Wakefield Patch, and on Facebook.

At least 10,000 cities and towns across America participate in the National Association of Letter Carriers’ Food Drive, Stamp Out Hunger, which takes place each year on the second Saturday of May. This is a voluntary effort taken on by the employees of each community's Post Office.

 "Wakefield is lucky to have letter carriers who are willing to each pick up and deliver pounds of food, along with their regular mail delivery each year," said Maureen Miller, WIFP Director of Operations. “It was disappointing that donations were down due to the postcard issue.  However, our local letter carriers never cease to amaze us with their commitment and willingness to collect food items during their daily rounds to help Wakefield individuals and families who need food.”

The success of this food drive is always a testament to the power of people working together. The WIFP, which assists over 800 adults and children in our community each month who would otherwise go hungry, would like to thank the postal customers who donated the food, the letter carriers who carried the food, and the wonderful volunteers who came out to support the drive.

“The biggest thank you goes to everyone in Wakefield who took the time and thought to donate food that will enable the WIFP to continue helping our neighbors in need,” commented Wendy Dennis, Chair of the WIFP Board of Directors.

For more information about the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry, please visit:

Friday, May 4, 2012

Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry is Seeking Board Members

The Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry (WIFP) is seeking qualified candidates to fill two board vacancies effective July 1, 2012. Potential candidates should have a strong desire to promote and serve WIFP in its mission to combat hunger in our community, and also have the skills needed to address the various aspects of managing a service organization.

 Application Deadline May 15!
Candidates should submit a letter of interest and a Board Member Application to Wendy Dennis, WIFP Board President, PO Box 1624, Wakefield, MA 01880 or via email to by Tuesday May 15.

You may contact Ms. Dennis by email or at 781-246-9751 or Corporate Clerk Beth Hendriks at or  781-246-3969 with any questions or to request an application. You may also download an application in pdf or MS Word format at or

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Volunteers Needed for Annual Letter Carriers Food Drive, May 12, 2012

The annual Letter Carrier/Postal  Food Drive is Saturday, May 12, 2012. On that day, Wakefield residents are asked to leave a bag or box of non-perishable food by their mailbox. Letter carriers will pick up the food on their postal routes and deliver it that afternoon to the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry (WIFP) at the Americal Civic Center.

The Pantry is looking for volunteers to help unload and sort the food donations. Specifically:

10-11:30 a.m. We will require strong, able-bodied volunteers to set-up tables in the gym upstairs from the Food Pantry to accommodate the donations once they start arriving.

2-5:00 p.m. We welcome volunteers to work one hour shifts during this time to unload the mail trucks when they arrive, to sort the received donations and bring them to the labeled tables, and people who will act as “counters” to estimate the weight of the food received and transporters who will bring filled boxes downstairs to the Pantry.

5-6:00 p.m.  We need help with clean-up, breaking down the tables, and clearing the gym.

If you can spare some time during this day, please contact: or call 781-245-2510 (option 5 for 'volunteer your time') to discuss the details and the schedule.

As always, we truly appreciate your willingness to help and look forward to another successful event.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Food Donations Needed for Letter Carrier's Food Drive, May 12, 2012

The annual Letter Carriers’ Food Drive will take place on Saturday, May 12th. On that day, Wakefield residents are asked to leave a bag or box of non-perishable food by their mailbox. Letter carriers will pick up the food on their postal routes and deliver it that afternoon to the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry (WIFP).  The need for food assistance has been growing due to higher unemployment and a difficult economy. Last year alone, the WIFP provided food for approximately 225 families, and these families visited the pantry a total of 4,182 times for an average of 349 visits per month. 

The WIFP also needs volunteers to help with this drive especially on Saturday, May 12th between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm. To volunteer, please sign up online at the WIFP website:, or email:

While all non-perishable foods are welcome, donations of the following items would be most beneficial:
Protein Group

Canned tuna, salmon, sardines, chicken, ham
Canned chili, beef stew, baked beans
Peanut butter

Fruit & Vegetable Group

Canned fruit (in its own juice)
Dried fruit
Canned vegetables, especially corn and green beans
Diced tomatoes
Pasta sauce

Pasta & Cereal Group

All kinds of pasta.
A variety of cereals.

Milk Group & Miscellaneous Needs

Shelf Stable milk
Jelly and jams
Reusable shopping bags

 Please note that the Pantry cannot accept any food items that are opened or past their expiration dates or canned goods with dents and rust.

Thank you for your participation!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gathering Change Invites You to "Dining for A Cause" To Benefit Local Food Pantries - Like Us!

Enjoy dinner at the Ninety Nine Restaurant in Lynnfield, MA April 23, 2012 and 15 percent of your guest check will be donated to Gathering Change, a non-profit group that collects spare change from our communities for distribution back into our neighborhood food pantries (ie... WIFP).

Date:  Monday, April 23, 2012
Time:  5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location:  Ninety Nine Restaurant, 317 Salem Street, Lynnfield, MA

Please show your voucher when ordering from your server. Vouchers will be at the restaurant. Thank you!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Century 21 Commonwealth Sponsors Saturday Food Drive – April 14, 2012

Century21 Commonwealth is hosting the April 14 Saturday Food Drive to support the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry. Volunteers from Century21 Commonwealth will on hand from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the food pantry located at Americal Civic Center, 467 Main Street in Wakefield to help receive donations, sort and stock the food items.

In addition, Century21 Commonwealth is continuing its GIVE AWAY campaign to benefit the food pantry where participants can enter to win a $1,000 Apple gift card from now until the end of June, 2012. Here’s how it works.

1. Simply come by the Food Pantry for the April 14 Food Drive or stop by the Century21 Commonwealth office at 29 Albion Street inWakefield.

2. Drop off food items or a financial donation to the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry.

3. Fill out an entry form to win…. The $1000 Apple gift card!

Best of all, a lucky winner will be selected each month in April, May and June. Participants can summit a new entry form for each month which means a number of chances to win. Plus, your donation to the WIFP helps those families and individuals in Wakefield, who have fallen on difficult times due to job loss, illness, age or economic conditions. Anyone who demonstrates residence in Wakefield and needs food can receive assistance from the food pantry knowing
that their privacy, dignity and confidentiality are respected by volunteers who hold the belief that sometimes a helping hand is all you need to get back on your feet.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thank You to Rada Boutique and Consignment

A tremendous thank you to Rada, the owner of Rada Boutique & Upscale Consignment, for her generosity not just during her big birthday sale but on a regular basis! Rada continually rallies her customers and pulls from her sales financial support for the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry. Happy Birthday, Rada, from the Board of Directors, volunteers and supporters of the food pantry.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Century 21 Commonwealth Offers a Unique Give Away While Supporting the Food Pantry

Century21 Commonwealth is once again supporting our neighbors in need in a fun, unique way. The Century21 Commonwealth GIVE AWAY has begun and you can enter to win a $1,000 Apple gift card from now until the end of June, 2012.
Here’s how it works.
1. Simply come by the Century21 Commonwealth office at 29 Albion Street in Wakefield.
2. Drop off food items or a financial donation to the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry.
3. Fill out an entry form to win…. The $1000 Apple gift card!
Best of all, a lucky winner will be selected each month: March, April, May and June. Participants can summit a new entry form for each month which means a number of chances to win.
Plus, your donation to the WIFP helps those families and individuals in Wakefield, who have fallen on difficult times due to job loss, illness, age or economic conditions. Anyone who demonstrates residence in Wakefield and needs food can receive assistance from the food pantry knowing that their privacy, dignity and confidentiality are respected by volunteers who hold the belief that sometimes a helping hand is all you need to get back on your feet.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bak Chiropractic Hosts Successful Souper Bowl of Caring Drive

Bak Chiropractic of Wakefield hosted another successful Souper Bowl of Caring food drive to benefit the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry. During the week of February 13th, Bak Chiropractic offered incentives to new clients and current patients to bring in much needed food items to stock the pantry shelves. The result was over 100 bags of food to help our neighbors in need.

In the photo: Dr. Jennifer Bak, Emmie Grace Mayne, and Dr. Neil Hutchinson

Monday, February 20, 2012

Thank You to Shaw's and Hannafords Supermarkets for Holiday 2011 Donations

Shaw’s and Hannaford Supermarkets played a major role in making the holidays a little merrier for our Wakefield neighbors in need with holiday food programs that benefited the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry.

Shaw’s made up grocery bags of food items worth $5, $10 and $15 dollars which customers could purchase. Shaw’s was able to collect 4,000 pounds of food from their generous customers.

Hannaford Supermarkets filled boxes of food which contained a variety of items most needed by families, including macaroni and cheese, cereal, oatmeal, hearty soups and vegetables. Hannaford delivered 172 boxes which the pantry then provided to Wakefield residents in need.

“We are incredibly blessed to have these stores on our side as we strive to keep our shelves stocked,” said Maureen Miller, WIFP Director of Operations. “In addition to being so supportive during the holidays, Shaw’s and Hannaford also help throughout the year.”

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Citizens' Scholarship Foundation Sponsors Food Drive, Feb 13-25, 2012

Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of Wakefield (CSF) is sponsoring a Food Drive for the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry (WIFP) from Monday, February 13th through Saturday, February 25th. During that period, please support the WIFP by dropping off non-perishable food donations to our CSF office, at the Americal Civic Center, 467 Main Street, 1st Floor, Wakefield. Also we invite all participants and spectators who attend our 20th Annual CSF Trivia Team Challenge on Saturday, February 25th, 7-10 p.m. at the Americal Civic Center to bring along donations to the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry to help our “Friends and Neighbors in Need”. The Trivia Challenge is a unique event that combines a 100-question battle of quick recall with an evening filled with fun, food, raffles and free refreshments (and a cash bar), all for a great cause.

Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of Wakefield, a Chapter of Dollars for Scholars, was founded in 1960. Its purpose is to provide financial assistance to needy residents of Wakefield in their full time pursuit of higher education. Applications for need-based scholarships from the Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of Wakefield for the 2012-2013 academic year are now available to be downloaded from the CSF website Please contact Roberta DiNitto in the CSF office at (781) 245-4890 for further information or by email at

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wakefield High Music Boosters Donate to Food Pantry

The WHS Music Boosters donated some big money to the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry for the fourth consecutive year. The group recently presented a check for $1,000 to share some of their earnings from the popular Polar Express event which they organize each December during the holiday season.

The WIFP gratefully accepts this generous gift and thanks the WHS Music Boosters for their support. In addition to the Polar Express fundraiser, the Marching Band students, under the direction of Tom Bankert, host a very successful food drive each September.

Briana Chiodi, Nick Ansaldi (Polar Express Coordinator), Wendy Dennis (WIFP Board President), Rosanne Phillips (Saturday Food Drive Coordinator), Matt Stanley and Gina Ansaldi.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

WIFP Open 2nd & 4th Saturdays!

Did you know that the food pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. - noon?

If you've collected some food during the past few weeks or have some Souper Bowl of Caring donations to drop off, swing by on February 11 or February 25!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wakefield Basketball Association Gets Off to a Fast Start Donating to Souper Bowl of Caring

The boys and girls Wakefield Basketball teams have been busy gathering and delivering food items to the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry as part of their contributions to the Souper Bowl of Caring campaign. Over 800 items have already been collected which will help at least 40 families and individuals in need.

Many thanks to Lisa Butler who is coordinating the effort for the WBA, to WHS sophomore Mike Keegan, to Willem and Nathan Hendriks, for their volunteerism, and to all the families and players mobilized to help our neighbors in need.

The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national effort to mobilize communities, especially the youth, to fight hunger in their cities and towns. The vision is to transform Super Bowl weekend – the first Sunday in February – into a huge endeavor to collect and donate money and food items to local food pantries during the week leading up to the big game. Local participants can share in the national effort by registering their groups at

In photos:

WBA players and Sixth Graders at Galvin Middle School, Henry Stikeman, Bobby Keegan, and Luke Hendriks, help collect, deliver and sort food items as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring to support the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry. These players are also active in the Galvin Community Service Club.

Patrick Bertini and Jake Hinchey, WBA players and Sixth Graders at Galvin Middle School involved in the Community Service Club, share their time and muscles in collecting and stacking food items for the Souper Bowl of Caring to benefit the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bak Chiropractic is a Souper Bowl of Caring Supporter

Bak Chiropractic of Wakefield, a regular supporter of the WIFP and Souper Bowl of Caring campaign, is again providing two special offers to encourage current patients and new clients to donate this year.

Monday, February 13, 2012, the practice invites current patients who have been adjusted within the past 12 months to have a $5 adjustment in exchange for 5 cans of food.

Also, during the entire week of February 13 -17, Bak Chiropractic will offer new clients a $25 initial exam (a $150 value) in exchange for 5 food item donations.

A big thank you Dr. Bak and the entire team at Bak Chiropractic!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Wakefield Basketball Association is Supporting the Souper Bowl of Caring

Wakefield Basketball Association (WBA)
WBA is participating in the "Souper Bowl of Caring" food drive this weekend for The Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry for Grades 1-6. Bring a can of soup, stew or chili to your game and help someone in need. Anyone who brings in at least 5 cans will get a chance to win a framed, autographed photo of Rajon Rondo.

GRADES 7-8 collection will be next weekend, Feb 4& 5th!

Super caring from the WBA players and the entire organization.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Souper Bowl of Caring is February 5, 2012!

The Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry (WIFP) is encouraging everyone in the community to collect monetary donations and much needed protein food items to stock the pantry shelves during these tough winter months through the Souper Bowl of Caring.
The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national effort to mobilize communities, especially the youth, to fight hunger in their cities and towns. The vision is to transform Super Bowl weekend – the first Sunday in February – into a huge endeavor to collect and donate money and food items to local food pantries during the week leading up to the big game. Local participants can share in the national effort by registering their groups at
WIFP leadership and volunteers are asking businesses, churches, and other organizations to offer special promotions to their clients and members to spark donations. In addition, families and friends who host Super Bowl parties are encouraged to ask their guests to make financial donations or bring a couple of cans of food to the get-togethers on February 5, 2012, Super Bowl Sunday. Any food collected can be dropped off at the WIFP Drop Off Box located on the lower level of the Americal Civic Center or at the Town Hall Drop Off Box during open hours. Any financial donations can be mailed to the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry at P.O. Box 1624, Wakefield, MA 01880.For more information about participating in The Souper Bowl of Caring at the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry, please email the WIFP at,

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mystic Runners Support Food Pantry Through Charity Run

The Mystic Runners group races every Wednesday evening at Lake Quannapowitt and is now organizing a series of “charity runs” with the first one benefiting the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry!
If you you’d like to participate, please meet the runners at the Lord Wakefield Hotel, 595 North Avenue in Wakefield and bring your food or financial donation to the race on Wednesday, February 1, 2012. The race registration begins at 6:00 pm and the $2.00 registration fee is waived for all runners who bring donations. The most needed food items include: canned chicken, tea bags, chili (no beans), pasta sauce, boxed potatoes, juice, and canned diced tomatoes.
For more information about the Mystic Runners charity runs, please contact Meg Michaels,
To organize your own food drive, please contact

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry Thanks Cub Scout Troop 712

The Wakefield Cub Scouts Troop 712 decorated boxes for the 2011 Holiday Baskets and took the extra step to fill these boxes with food items to benefit clients of the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry. It was an exciting delivery for parents, scouts and the Food Pantry volunteers as the boys delivered the boxes to help their neighbors in need.

From left to right: Charles Entley, John Crowley, Daniel McDermott, Trevor Noble, Adam Skobe, Will Riley and Jason Noble

Friday, January 6, 2012

Volunteer at the Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry in 2012

Thinking of volunteering as a 2012 resolution? A recent Boston Globe North article offered up some great ideas for how to reach out to others based on your passion and your time.

Closer to home, why not consider volunteering with WIFP? There are many opportunities to get involved. Check out how via our Volunteer section of our website.

Happy New Year!